VRTCAL’s proprietary mediation technology, we have named Decisionr, spans across all standard oRTB programmatic formats & channels. It is complimented by VRTCAL’s proprietary product suite, Trafficr, Overlayr and Intentr. Combined with the power of the VRTCAL Utility SDKs, Decisionr is truly a best-in-class service offering for Apps.

Decisionr™ App Direct-to-Advertiser
- Add any Display & Native S2S connection
- No Revenue Share
- Traffic Shaping
- Add any VAST Connection
- No Costs per CPM
- Get paid directly by the advertisers
- Add any RTB endpoint
- No Set Up Costs
- Includes VRTCAL Marketplace
- No Fees
Decisionr™ CTV Direct-to-Advertiser
- Add any VAST Connection
- Add any RTB endpoint
- No Revenue Share
- No Costs per CPM
- No Set Up Costs
- No Fees
- Traffic Shaping
- Includes VRTCAL Marketplace